Gangbang 2017
20th most searched term worldwide
20th most viewed category worldwide
Poland 9th most searched term
Russia 11th most searched term
Women 7th most searched term
Women 6th most viewed category
20th most searched term worldwide
20th most viewed category worldwide
Poland 9th most searched term
Russia 11th most searched term
Women 7th most searched term
Women 6th most viewed category
Humanz: Online pornography, a private activity that removes the user form their social community, it allows them to look at material of their choosing, without direct social repercussions, it is liberalising and desensitising.
PornHub is the 22nd most searched term on google in 2017 and is one the most viewed PornWebsite. They released information about their 23 billion users, collected throughout 2017. The top 20 searched keywords equate to 80% of all searches made. Imputing the statistical data PornHub has provided of the viewership of each keywords, into the data of an image found online using the keyword the statistical data is referencing.
Appropriated images from the internet, sourced via the top twenty 2017 search terms from the world’s most popular porn website, Pornhub. Databent using the statistical information the website provides on its global users into an image found from each relevant keyword from google. The work uses Video, Magazine and still images.
This project started in 2017
Twenty Images
Humanz: Online pornography, a private activity that removes the user form their social community, it allows them to look at material of their choosing, without direct social repercussions, it is liberalising and desensitising.
PornHub is the 22nd most searched term on google in 2017 and is one the most viewed PornWebsite. They released information about their 23 billion users, collected throughout 2017. The top 20 searched keywords equate to 80% of all searches made. Imputing the statistical data PornHub has provided of the viewership of each keywords, into the data of an image found online using the keyword the statistical data is referencing.
Appropriated images from the internet, sourced via the top twenty 2017 search terms from the world’s most popular porn website, Pornhub. Databent using the statistical information the website provides on its global users into an image found from each relevant keyword from google. The work uses Video, Magazine and still images.
This project started in 2017
Twenty Images